Contact Us

Mevlevi Order of America has centers throughout the United States, as well as affiliated Centers in England, Germany, Israel, and Turkey and Russia. Please contact a center from the list below to find out more about the Mevlevi path, or contact us directly ( to find teachers in your area.

Centers in the United States

— Batesville, Virginia (near Charlottesville) – Contact Malika Anderson, 434.823.7750.

— Charles Town, WV – Contact Boşluk Hardy Mason (

— Durham, North Carolina – Contact Jason Bennett, 206.300.4146

— Green Hill Zawiya, Bolton, Connecticut – Contact Karim Payton ( and Noor Kerima Payton (

— Honolulu, Hawaii – Contact Karim Payton ( and Noor Kerima Payton (

— Marin and Sonoma County, California – Contact Mariam Baker (, 415.485.1573

— Portland, Oregon – Contact Fatush Arleeen Kohnke, 808.347.0732 or Kalama Reuter, 971.998.7908

— San Francisco, East Bay, San Pablo California – Contact Hilal Sala ( , 510.260.5668.

— Seattle, Washington–Contact Michael Douglas (, 206.769.1980.

Mevlevi Order of America Secretariat

The Secretariat of the Mevlevi Order of America is located in Eugene, Oregon.

Mailing Address:

Mevlevi Order of America
Office of the Secretariat
PO Box 41888
Eugene, OR 97404

Affiliated Centers Outside the United States

— Hayatidede Institute in Konya, Turkey – Contact Ihab and Ora Balha, ( , +972-547553517

— Jaffa, Israel – Contact Ihab and Ora Balha, (

— Chelyabinsk, Russia – Contact Rashid Aminev, (

— Istanbul, Turkey , Contact Şahin N. Şair, (

— Manchester Rumi Circle , England – Chris Starbuck, ( , +44 (0)7593951199

— Munich, Germany – Contact Johannes Vorholzer ( (0049 1784520434) or Doris Nebel ( (0049 15156320848)